
Poruka od Brocky - English

  • Earning a comfortable living or making large amounts of money?

  • Money is essential factor in life, without money it would be impossible to survive in the society to fulfill your daily needs.
  • There are a large group of people who believe that making a lot of money is very important in life.
  • Others would be satisfied with earning a comfortable living.
  • In my view, I believe that earning a comfrtable living in life is better for two reasons.
  • The first reason is that those who argue that making a lot of money is vital in life, yes they can realize many of the extra need for them or even saving it to their children.
  • For example, I have in my neigborhood a rich bussiness man who earns a lot of money per week, his children are always spending lot of money, they also travel alot.
  • However, decicating yourself to earn a lot of money has many negative effects in your life, like having no free time for the father to spend with his children, nor would he has it for friends.
  • For instance, I remember when I spoke with the children of that business man once, and they were having a gap in their life even though they have everything, but there is something missing which is the presence of their parents due to the fact that he's busy all the time.
  • And barely have time to sit and play with his kids or take them outside to the garden.
  • Nor can he invite his friend to him because of the full schedule he has.
  • As you can see earning a lot of money it may be good in one aspect, but difinitely it has a great negative impacts in the person's life and his family's as well.
  • The second reason is that the majority of the people who make a lot of money develop anxiety over time, and money would blind them from taking care of their familis and children, and most of their time would think only of earning more money as well as saving it as a fear of poverty.
  • On the other hand, the people who work and ear a comfortable living would have less stress and have more extra time to spend with sitting with family and visiting friends.
  • For example, my father works in a desend job, provide for the family, and take care of us.
  • When he comes back from work, he takes me with my brothers outside playing games, and watching movies.
  • I enjoy walking with him and feel of a strong link between us.
  • Even though I dont get what most of the riches children get.
  • But Im totally happy in my life.
  • So as you can tell, being in a family that make a confortable living would ensure you to have a happy life even if you don't get everything in life.
  • To conclude, many play a major role in our lives, some people argue that making a large amounts of money is important in life, others believe that having a comfortable living would be sufficient for them.
  • I prefer to be in a family that earn a comfortable living because you will not only would reduce the negative impacts on our lives, but it would also assure to have a happy life with our families.


  • Naslov
  • Rečenica 1
    • Money is essential factor in life, without money it would be impossible to survive in the society to fulfill your daily needs.
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  • Rečenica 2
  • Rečenica 3
  • Rečenica 4
  • Rečenica 5
    • The first reason is that those who argue that making a lot of money is vital in life, yes they can realize many of the extra need for them or even saving it to their children.
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  • Rečenica 6
    • For example, I have in my neigborhood a rich bussiness man who earns a lot of money per week, his children are always spending lot of money, they also travel alot.
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  • Rečenica 7
    • However, decicating yourself to earn a lot of money has many negative effects in your life, like having no free time for the father to spend with his children, nor would he has it for friends.
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  • Rečenica 8
    • For instance, I remember when I spoke with the children of that business man once, and they were having a gap in their life even though they have everything, but there is something missing which is the presence of their parents due to the fact that he's busy all the time.
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  • Rečenica 9
  • Rečenica 10
  • Rečenica 11
    • As you can see earning a lot of money it may be good in one aspect, but difinitely it has a great negative impacts in the person's life and his family's as well.
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    • DODATI NOVI PRIJEVOD! - Rečenica 11DODATI NOVI PRIJEVOD! - Rečenica 11
  • Rečenica 12
    • The second reason is that the majority of the people who make a lot of money develop anxiety over time, and money would blind them from taking care of their familis and children, and most of their time would think only of earning more money as well as saving it as a fear of poverty.
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    • DODATI NOVI PRIJEVOD! - Rečenica 12DODATI NOVI PRIJEVOD! - Rečenica 12
  • Rečenica 13
    • On the other hand, the people who work and ear a comfortable living would have less stress and have more extra time to spend with sitting with family and visiting friends.
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    • DODATI NOVI PRIJEVOD! - Rečenica 13DODATI NOVI PRIJEVOD! - Rečenica 13
  • Rečenica 14
  • Rečenica 15
  • Rečenica 16
  • Rečenica 17
  • Rečenica 18
  • Rečenica 19
    • So as you can tell, being in a family that make a confortable living would ensure you to have a happy life even if you don't get everything in life.
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    • DODATI NOVI PRIJEVOD! - Rečenica 19DODATI NOVI PRIJEVOD! - Rečenica 19
  • Rečenica 20
    • To conclude, many play a major role in our lives, some people argue that making a large amounts of money is important in life, others believe that having a comfortable living would be sufficient for them.
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    • DODATI NOVI PRIJEVOD! - Rečenica 20DODATI NOVI PRIJEVOD! - Rečenica 20
  • Rečenica 21
    • I prefer to be in a family that earn a comfortable living because you will not only would reduce the negative impacts on our lives, but it would also assure to have a happy life with our families.
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    • DODATI NOVI PRIJEVOD! - Rečenica 21DODATI NOVI PRIJEVOD! - Rečenica 21