
текст з - English

  • Elevator

  • Raúl García spent most of the days in the elevator. I was in love.
  • Evil tongues say that love must be mutual and if it is not so; It is not.
  • But he felt he truly loved someone who had just crossed a few words: "Hello, good climate...".
  • Women are always wore a beautiful black suit with pink shoes and the collected hairs.
  • Friends doubted his love: "that's cold sore".
  • And, of course, was a mixture of tenderness and sex, but sex uneaten.
  • A day were encouraged: —Hi, how are you? —And you?
  • —Well... someday these could go for a coffee.
  • I know a coffee with a vast library where you can read.
  • —Do not like reading...
  • —Do not like reading?
  • To whom may not you like reading? —To me...
  • —Raul decided to not continue to speak with her.
  • I didn't want to harm the relationship.
  • Although he already felt a certain apathy in the girl.
  • He came home and turned off the stove.
  • You set the water heater and bathed.
  • Meanwhile thought of how to impact his Platonic girlfriend.
  • Suddenly, she recalled that she always wore headphones in his ears and listened to music.
  • He recorded with his voice a Neruda poem. Poem 20.
  • All the beauty, love and melancholy were embodied in it.
  • He left the cassette pulled into the elevator.
  • He hoped that that would fall in love.
  • He registered his name, and he dedicated it.
  • The next day, he went to the elevator, but she wasn't: had a cassette with your name.
  • At home heard the recording: was the poem of the heartbreak of María Mercedes Carranza.

Будь ласка, допоможіть відредагувати кожне речення! - English