
Tekst fra - English

    • Are parents the best teacher?

    • In my eyes, I think that parents are the best teachers for two main reasons.
  • First, they care about their children more than anyone else.
    • Second, not everything is been taught in schools or in the society.
    • Although not all people will agree, on one hand that parents are the best teachers for their children, on the other hand there are majority of people who hold the view that parents are the best teachers for their children, and that’s why my opinion regarding this matter that parents are the best teachers for their children.
    • The first reason I believe this is that there is no one in the world that have love and care for children more than their parents, for example, when I was a little kid, I remember exactly when my mother used to take care of me and correct me whenever I make mistakes, and show me the right way from the wrong one of doing something, and being patient with me all the time, and showing love and support, this I didn’t find it anywhere, even in my teacher at school, though she was supportive, but she didn’t have the same love and care as my mother.
  • The second reason is that not everything is taught in schools, as there are many ethics and social behavior would only be learned from parents.
  • For instance, when I was a little kid I used to go outside with my father, and we used to pass through a man sitting in the street, who has no food nor water, and I saw my father each time giving him a portion of money, and when I asked him about it, and the reason why, he taught me that there is no such greater thing than helping others, and it doesn’t have to be great amount of money or a big service, but caring about others and trying to help them would give them great support and a feeling that others are caring for them and it just overwhelmed me, and I really felt it, and from that day whenever I see anyone in need to help, I would afford help to the best of what I ability, and this thing wont be taught nor experience in school nor any other places by just sitting and listening to someone speaking on it, but it has to live it in order to know what does it mean.
    • In conclusion, no matter where you learn, and how much you learn, learning from parents and especially at the beginning stage is the best thing, and that’s why parents are the best teachers for their children.

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    • Although not all people will agree, on one hand that parents are the best teachers for their children, on the other hand there are majority of people who hold the view that parents are the best teachers for their children, and that’s why my opinion regarding this matter that parents are the best teachers for their children.
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    • Although not all people will agree, on one hand that parents are the best teachers for their children, on the other hand there arethere is a majority of people who hold the view that parents are the best teachers for their children, and that’s why my opinion regarding this matter is that parents are the best teachers for their children.
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  • Sætning 5
    • The first reason I believe this is that there is no one in the world that have love and care for children more than their parents, for example, when I was a little kid, I remember exactly when my mother used to take care of me and correct me whenever I make mistakes, and show me the right way from the wrong one of doing something, and being patient with me all the time, and showing love and support, this I didn’t find it anywhere, even in my teacher at school, though she was supportive, but she didn’t have the same love and care as my mother.
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    • The first reason I believe this is that there is no one in the world that have love and care for children more than their parents, f. For example, when I was a little kid, I remember exactly when my mother used to take care of me and, corrected me whenever I makde mistakes, and showed me the right way from the wrong one of doing something, and being. Moreover she was patient with me all the time, and showingshowed me the love and support, thisat I dicouldn't find it anywhere else, even in my teacher at school, although my teacher she was supportive, but she didn’t have the same love and care as my mother.
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  • Sætning 6
    • The second reason is that not everything is taught in schools, as there are many ethics and social behavior would only be learned from parents.
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  • Sætning 7
    • For instance, when I was a little kid I used to go outside with my father, and we used to pass through a man sitting in the street, who has no food nor water, and I saw my father each time giving him a portion of money, and when I asked him about it, and the reason why, he taught me that there is no such greater thing than helping others, and it doesn’t have to be great amount of money or a big service, but caring about others and trying to help them would give them great support and a feeling that others are caring for them and it just overwhelmed me, and I really felt it, and from that day whenever I see anyone in need to help, I would afford help to the best of what I ability, and this thing wont be taught nor experience in school nor any other places by just sitting and listening to someone speaking on it, but it has to live it in order to know what does it mean.
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  • Sætning 8
    • In conclusion, no matter where you learn, and how much you learn, learning from parents and especially at the beginning stage is the best thing, and that’s why parents are the best teachers for their children.
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    • In conclusion, no matter where you learn, and how much you learn, learning from parents and, especially at the beginning stage is the best thing, and that’s why p. Parents are the best teachers for their children. ¶
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