
Text from Cooldy - English

  • The Mods

  • The phenomen of "Mods" was born in Great Britain at the end of the fifties.
    • Mods is literaly the abrevation of "modernist" and this detail give us a lot of informations about their thinking.
    • It means that they represented the active young urban generation and they were against the "Trads"=Traditionist an other phenomen of this age/period .
    • The Mods/They were especially people who were from the middle class, they had an hedonistic life style .
    • They always searched "pleasure" by partys ,friendship,conversation,knowledge.
    • The physical appearence was an other important point of the caracteristics of the "Mods" ,how will explain you Tinie.
  • (Hi! thank you for correcting this work :) It's something that i've got to do for my studies and I will have to present a document especially in this document "The Mods", I'll have to explain who are they at oral as an exam, so if you see that the formulation at oral is wrong you shouldn't hesitate to change it ! :) Thks


  • Title
  • Sentence 1
  • Sentence 2
  • Sentence 3
    • It means that they represented the active young urban generation and they were against the "Trads"=Traditionist an other phenomen of this age/period .
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    • It means that they represented the active young urban generation and they were against the "Trads"=Traditionist an other phenomen of this age/period .
    • It means that they represented the active young urban generation and they were against the "Trads"=Traditionalist s -an other phenomenon of this age/period .
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 3ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 3
  • Sentence 4
  • Sentence 5
  • Sentence 6
    • The physical appearence was an other important point of the caracteristics of the "Mods" ,how will explain you Tinie.
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    • The physical appearence was an other important point of the characteristics of the "Mods" ,how,what will Tinie explain you Tinie.
    • The pPhysical appeareance was an other important point of the cdefining characteristics of the "Mods" ,how as Tinie will now explain to you Tinie.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 6ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 6
  • Sentence 7
    • (Hi! thank you for correcting this work :) It's something that i've got to do for my studies and I will have to present a document especially in this document "The Mods", I'll have to explain who are they at oral as an exam, so if you see that the formulation at oral is wrong you shouldn't hesitate to change it ! :) Thks
      Vote now!
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 7ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Sentence 7