Antoine59からのテキスト - English

  • Dialogue

    • A : Good morning Sir ! Set down.
  • V : Good morning A : Are you M. Machin?
  • I meet you for job interview.
  • So, you can start.
  • Tell me about yourself V: I obtained my bachelor’s degree of management as well as my master’s degree of private asset management.
  • I carried out a traineeship during 4 months in a bank.
  • I discovered a business world, I established operations as openings of currents accounts, standings orders… then, I carried out a training course during 6 months in HSBC.
  • During 2 years, I began to learn the cogs of the job.
  • I wish to evolve in my job and to have rewarding career.
  • A: you begin to have some experience.
  • Let me introduce myself, my mane is jean dupont.
  • I’m working for Barclays as recruiter since 2003.
  • I have invited you at this job interview because we need a wealth manager in our agency.
  • The current manager retires in few weeks.
  • We bear interest at your CV because it corresponds to our offer.
  • So, what do you know about our bank?
  • V : I know that Barclays is a British bank located in London.
  • Barclays belong to "Big Five".
  • This bank is the one of the 5 biggest British banks.
  • The bank is implanted around the world but the most of the agencies are located in Europe.
  • A : Indeed, we employ more than 110300 employees and we are ranked on FTSE 100.
  • What do you know about services offered by Barclays?
  • V : Yes, I looked on your website and I noticed that your bank offered different sort of credit card, some product like saving account, some kind of shares, consumer loan, house loan and mortgage. A : Well done!
  • I noticed on your CV that you carried out some training during your studies and you worked on the HSBC for 2 years.
  • What missions have you realized?
  • V: During my first training, I discovered the banking sector.
  • At the beginning of my training, I was at the office.
  • Then, I achieved some easy tasks like open account or deliver credit card.
  • Some client came for deposit check or took an appointment with their advisor.
  • A : What sort of account did you open for the client?
  • V : The most of them came to open current account because the wanted to switch over of their current bank, the other client came for transfer money from their current account to their savings account.
  • A : Ok, Did you discover an another job during this first training ?
  • V : Yes of course.
  • At the end of the training, I joined a client advisor; together we helped a young couple to subscribe for a loan on their house.
  • The other client came for open housing savings plan or life insurance.
  • A : Ok, so when you propose a loan or a mortgage, what do you look at to grant the loan and what sort of repayment do you propose?
  • V : When I want to grant a loan I look at 2 different indicator, the indebtedness rate and left to live, and I modulate the duration of the repayment in function the need of the client, the most of the client prefer monthly repayment with long duration to have small amount to repay each month.
  • A : Fine, during your second year of master’s degree you carried out a training, you probably realized more interesting and difficult tasks, could you tell me the skills you developed during this training ?
  • V : During this training, I worked with a wealth manager, with him I learn a lot of thing concerning this job.
  • I had to form file to know precisely the personal and professional life of my client to propose to them the best choice concerning their future investment.
  • Some client are prudent with their money, they preferred to invest on safe placement like life insurance or invest in house market for rent their good.
  • Anyway, other client prefer invest on financial market.
  • A : And now with your training and your job at HSBC, can you work in independent way ?
  • We need someone who can take responsibility.
  • You have to give the best advice to our client, you need to create confidence with your client.
  • V : I totally understand the ambition of you bank.
  • When I was in HSBC, I was in charge of a client portfolio, one of them ask me to create an immovable society, his project was very difficult concerning the tax system of his goods but I have build with him the whole project.
  • I think he appreciated, he send to me a wish card for 2 years.
  • A : OHHH, great!
  • We are looking for someone who can sell a product in the best conditions.
  • I give you an example to test your skills, a client give you €100 000 which come from a donation.
  • He wants to invest this money to buy a house.
  • He is 35 years old and he has got 2 children, how do you place this money?
  • V : I think he should contract a loan or a mortgage for the house, considering his family situation and his age, the €100 000 must be place with different product like life insurance, term account or retirement scheme for example.
  • A : And if the client prefer to take some risks in order to earn more money.
  • What do you propose to him now?
  • V : If he prefer to take some risks I propose to him to subscribe a saving share account instead the retirement scheme but I think it's a good idea to subscribe a life insurance or a term account, in finance the rule is to diversify the range of the placement.
  • A : Good, let's talk about you, what do you like in this job ?
  • V : I really love the relationship that I can establish with my clients, I can known his professional and personal life, with this information and my knowledge I can propose to my clients the best way to invest their money.
  • A : Why have you decided to leave the HSBC in London in order to apply for this job?
  • V : Firstly, Barclays is a bank which has managed to develop herself during more than a century, if I can work for this bank it will be an honor for me.
  • Then I keep a good souvenir of my studies in France.
  • And my future wife work in insurance agency in Lille, it will be fantastic if I can live with her in Lille.
  • A : Ok, let's move on a different point, could you tell me in few word what are your qualities and your weakness.
  • V : I'm determined, when I'm on a case, I can't release the case.
  • For example, sometimes, it happened that I take a file at my house.
  • I'm very hard worker and I like when my work space and my work time is organized.
  • Anyway, sometime I rage and... A : You rage ?
  • But can you work with teammates because it's possible you have to work with your colleagues on particular case.
  • V : Oh, don't be worry, I rage against myself.
  • I'm completely able to work with colleague I'm very sociable.
  • To come back my weakness, in the morning, I need a time to have emerged.
  • A : it’s all right, we propose some coffee for colleagues.
  • So, why did you go in Asia between your bachelor’s degree and your master’s degree?
  • V : My goal was to discovered other countries and culture who are completely different compare the European countries.
  • The student life allows traveling a full year.
  • When you are an employee, it's very difficult to take a sabbatical year.
  • A : What do you learn during this trip for your personal and professional life?
  • V : During this trip, I discovered different way of working because I did many little jobs in China and in Taiwan and this trip opened my mind concerning the life style. A : Great !
  • Do you practice a sport?
  • What are you doing during your free-time?
  • V : Yes, I'm a team leader in a football club and I like cooking French meal for my future wife and I really like music.
  • A : Hum, what's sort of music are you listening?
  • V : I’m listening all kind of music, but my favorite group is Supertramp. A : Oh !
  • I like Supertramp too.
  • Last year, I saw their concert in Lille.
  • What’s your favorite song? V : Hum ...
  • I think it's breakfast in America.
  • A : You are team leader in a football club.
  • What’s your favorite team?
  • V: I like Chelsea because they have got good players. A: Nice!
  • All right, do you follow the political news?
  • V : Of course, I follow a little bit the political news in France and in Great Britain.
  • A : So, what do you think about the possible taxation of the social help ?
  • V : I think it's not a good idea, the social help are for family who have many children to conserve a good standard of living if you tax the social help you decrease the purchasing power of the family.
  • A : Ok, a last question, Why are you the best person for this job?
  • V : I begin to have some skills for this job, this post in your agency will permits me to get more experience. A : Great !
  • So, if you have not enough questions.
  • It's good for me.
  • V : Yes I have a question.
  • What is strategy of company?
  • A: The objective of our bank is to create a confidence between the banker and the client.
  • We have to meet the needs of the client.
  • It is necessary to know the financial situation of the customer as well as his financial capacity.
  • If we bring an effective solution to the client then will be satisfied and will stay in our bank.
  • The purpose, it is to develop loyalty.
  • V: okay, it is interesting; I like this point of view.
  • How will evolve my career in your bank?
  • A : Your career will evolve according to the objectives which you will achieve.
  • The salary will increase as well as status. There we are.
  • Well, thank you for coming; you will have an answer for this job very soon.
  • Have a nice day.

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