
Anastasia_lastik'den mesaj - English

  • X-radiation

  • Good day ladies and gentlemen!
  • Today, innovative technologies in medicine play a big role.
    • Now you can easily identify the disease and to have a successful treatment.
  • And once it was a big problem for humanity.
    • How can you help someone break an arm or a leg?
    • Since then doctors have not been able to look at the source of the illness.
  • But one brilliant discovery could save many lives and relieve them from suffering!
  • X-rays were discovered!
  • X-radiation (composed of X-rays) is a form of electromagnetic radiation.
    • The discovery of x-rays was occurred on 8 November 1895.
    • On that day the x-Ray worked late in his laboratory.
    • Already preparing to leave, he put out the lamp, and suddenly saw a slight greenish glow. substance in the jar on the table was glowing.
    • X-ray forgot to unplug one device in the electronic vacuum tube.
    • He turned off the tube – the glow disappeared, turned – appeared.
  • The most surprising was the fact that the unit stood in one corner of the laboratory, and the jar with the glowing substance in another.
    • So the scientist decided that unknown radiation comes from the device.
    • X-rays began to carefully explore the mysterious rays.
    • In front of the tube he installed the screen and to determine the effect of radiation, placed in between different items.
    • Book, Board, sheets of paper – they were transparent to the rays.
    • Under the beam the hand of the scientist accidentally hit.
    • X-ray was in shock.
    • He saw his own moving bones of the hand.
    • Bone like metal was impervious to the rays.
    • The first of the outstanding discovery of x-rays found out the wife of the scientist.
    • X-ray with X rays photographed his hand.
  • It was the first ever x-ray.
  • The discovery of x-rays shocked the whole world.
  • Nowadays x-rays are used in different fields of science and technology.
    • Art historians can accurately determine the authenticity of paintings, to distinguish the gems from imitations, and customs officers became easier to apprehend the smugglers.
    • But, the main place, the application of these rays – medical institutions.
    • A year after the discovery of x-rays were used to diagnose fractures.
    • But ray was much wider.
    • In medicine was established the new field of radiology.
    • Modern medical technology with the help of x-rays examine any internal organs.
  • However, x-ray radiation has a negative quality.
  • If used improperly, it becomes a health hazard.
    • Scientist Roentgen made the brilliant discovery that shocked the world and fundamentally changed the technology of medicine.
    • Thanks to this, now we can avoid many diseases.
    • In conclusion I want to quote the famous Greek physician Hippocrates "Medicine is truly the most noble of all arts".

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