NguyenHoang0406からのテキスト - English

    • My "3 cases" theory about learning language.

  • Most of the time, when we talk about "being bad at language", we usually jump into conclusion that it means "being bad at language in GENERAL".
  • I used to think like that when I realized that I wasn't as good at English as I thought.
  • But when I compared my English with my classmates in university, I'd also realized that my English skills were not that bad: Being able to use English directly without needing to translate it first in my head, giving presentation without needing to look at a paper or memorizing the phrases (all I need is just an outline)...
  • Then what made me feel like I am a "bad" English learners?
    • After thinking for awhile, I think "maybe I've fallen into the 3rd case": Case 1: Knowledge (Bad) - Skill(Bad).
    • This is the most common case,especially in schools, in which learners struggle with learning new stuff (new words, new grammar structures...),leave alone using it.
    • Case 2: Knowledge (Good) - Skill(Bad).
  • Also a common case.
  • In this case, the learners could learn new things and remember them.Their knowledge keep expanding and they could ace an English exam.
  • However, they could hardly (or maybe even couldn't) use what they've learnt in real life like holding a conversation in English.
    • Case 3: Knowledge (Average) - Skill(Average).
  • This occurs when the learners have already reach a decent level with acceptable skills and amount of knowledge.
    • But instead of trying to learn new things, they stop and just keep on using what they've learnt over and over again.
  • In my case, my English is bad it's not because of my skills but my lack of knowledge (vocabulary,grammar...) What's your opinion about this?
    • Do you have any advice for me?

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