טקסט של - English

  • My exercise

  • My right teacher is going to maternity leave tomorow I would like to go in Great-Britain, especially in Southampton bécasse I went to there once.
    • Today, I went to school in order to learn about accountantcy I think that the English language is easier to learn that Spanish My school is full of people My friend is telling me if I could go out My sister have just pass her job interview My work is so hard, the exam will coming soon

בבקשה, עזור לתקן כל משפט! - English

  • כותרת
  • משפט 1
  • משפט 2
    • Today, I went to school in order to learn about accountantcy I think that the English language is easier to learn that Spanish My school is full of people My friend is telling me if I could go out My sister have just pass her job interview My work is so hard, the exam will coming soon
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    • Today, I went to school in order to learn about accountantcy¶¶I think that the English language is easier to learn thatn the Spanish language¶¶My school is full of people¶¶My friend is telling me if I couldan go out¶¶My sister have just passed her job interview¶¶My work is so hard, the exam willis coming soon¶¶
    • הוסף תיקון חדש! - משפט 2הוסף תיקון חדש! - משפט 2