
نص من - English

  • A strange case

  • This week is my second week as a medical visiting student.
  • It's really frustrating that I can barely understand what doctors and patients are talking about, but I think it's getting better.
  • Today I saw an interesting but strange case.
    • A 13-year-old boy's motion suddenly become extremely slow on last Saturday.
    • It looks like there is some problem with his brain that makes him act so slowly.
    • However, after taking history, we couldn't find out anything special enough could explain his symptoms.
    • He didn't take any illegal substances, nor any alcohol, cigarette, or drugs.
    • He didn't have fever so it seems not like infection.
    • We have spent lots of time on clarifying the reason.
    • Fortunately, his uncle came and said he went fishing in 3 weeks ago and had some ticks as baits.
    • It might be because these ticks bite him and he got Lyme disease, which can explain his symptoms.
    • We have to arrange more examinations to check it.

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