
Text von naseos - English

  • TASK 2

    • Introduction.
    • The aim of this report is to give my opinion of how to spend the available money to improve the facilities in our college.
    • Place to improve, the gym.
    • This space is small, not well ventilated and lighted; we are thirty of us in the class, sweating as we are a bit crowed.
  • The material we used, as mats, is used and broken-down.
    • The showers in the changing room have not pressure. Improvements.
    • I will change the blind windows for other that can be opened to have a better ventilation, about the light I would use led panels which not used much electricity but give more light up.
    • I will buy new material to replace the old ones and introduce new sports as Pilates, Boxing… As I talked with the other students we would like recommend to everybody to bring a towel to be used over the mats to care of the new material.
  • To conclude, without spending a lot of money the gym can be improved and with the cooperation of all the students the new material can be used for many more years.

BITTE, hilf jeden Satz zu korrigieren! - English