
Tekst fra - English

  • The dream that I had

    • The third night in a row I was waking up by a strange dream.
    • In that dream I was riding a beautiful black horse with a long mane, before my eyes was a sea at the long distance.
    • I was rushing at the great field toward the sea and peering at the horizon.
    • Then suddenly I saw a wave.
    • It was very far in the sea and I was steel very far from sea but my heart stopped.
    • I knew that there was not a chance that I could saw a wave so far from me if it was not a very big one.
  • It was a tsunami.
  • I continued gazing at the wave thinking about how far it would reach.
    • But as I watched, it grew higher and higher and it wasn't very long time when the wave was as big as a multistory building and not so far from me already.
    • If it was a situation in the real world I couldn't stand a chance before this force of nature.
  • I must've tried though.
  • So I turned around on my horse and rode as fast as I could.
  • I was driven by my instincts and fear.
  • I was scared to death that the mass of water would swallow me.
    • Before my eyes rose a high hill and I felt a joy in my chest.
    • If I could reach the top of it in time the great wave surly could not get me.
  • So I moved on with a fresh rush.
    • In few minutes I was on the hill.
    • I turned to see where the wave was and from what I saw my sole sank into the stomach.
  • The water was lifting up the hill to me.
  • I didn't know what else to do.
    • As I was thinking I wake up.
  • How glad I was that it was just a dream.
  • I've had this kind of dream all my life.
  • A dream in which I run from water.
    • While I was lying in my bed trying to asleep again I was wondering why I've had these dreams because I never had fear of water.

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