
Text von Joodar - English

  • Hi!

    • My one day I don't mind geting up early at 6 o'clock.
    • I pray, I have prayed every day early morning.
    • Then I run in the park and do exercises.
    • After running I arrive home and I read the book.
    • And I eat breakfast.
    • Then I go to English class on the bus.
    • There we study more interesting things.
  • I have studied in English Class for one month.
    • After English class I go to park with my friends for walk and we have to meet with some girls :).
    • But I always thinking about my English.
    • I would find some friends who is speaking English.
    • Not important Where It's from and what its nationality.
    • If you are reading this my text and you don't mind, so I wait your message my friend; )

BITTE, hilf jeden Satz zu korrigieren! - English