
Tekst fra - English

  • The Godfather

  • Saturday in August 1945, Miss Constazia Corleone, daughter of Don Vito Corleone, married for Carlo Rizzi.
  • Her father invited the hundred of people to wedding in his a large house on the Long Island,near New York.
  • When guests arrived,Don Corleone was greeting them all, the poor and the rich, whit the same love.
  • Many of the guests had a lot of reasons to be grateful to Don Corleone for their happy in their lives, they called him:"Godfather".
  • Standing next to him while he was greeting the guests were two of his three sons,Santino or Sony how they usually called him- was the eldest.
  • He was a tall,strong,handsome man with a thick brown hear.He looked unpleasantly in his white shirt and black suit.
  • The other son,Fredo,who is a totally different, was a weak-pale appearance with the sad eyes and thin lips.
  • The youngest son,Michael,who was sitting at his table in corner of the garden whit his girlfriend Kay,was a gently man with the dark eyes.
  • But something suggested he wasn't a weak man,only quiet one, that was because it was already known that he was a soldier.
  • He was unpleasant because of that all dancing and singing at the wedding, but also he was glad that Kay had been enjoying quietly at the party.
  • That had been the first time she met his family.Who is that small fat man there, she asked, there was a man about 60 who was dancing like a teenager.
  • "It is Peter Clemenza",Michael said,"he is a old friend of my father" "what about him?" Kay was being looked by big-ugly man who was sitting alone in front of the house,talking to himself."He looks very frightened"She said.
  • This is Luca Brasi, Michael smiled.Suddenly some big man approached to them, he had a blond hair and was strong.
  • Michael stood up and two men hugged each other.This is my brother,Tom Hagen,Michael said.
  • Tom Hagen shook Kay's hand and then said: "Father want to speak whit you alone" Michel sat without any word,Tom left.
  • If he is your brother why he has a different surname from you.Kay asked Michael when Tom had left.
  • "When my brother Sony was a boy"Michael was explaining"he found Tom Hagen on the street"Tom hadn't had home and Sony brought him to our house, he has stayed with us to this day.
  • He is a good lawyer, although no Sicilian I think he will be a consigliere.
  • "What is that""The chief adviser of my father, very important function in family.
  • "Suddenly appeared a loudly sound from the other side of the garden.A music and singing stopped.
  • It was a scream of Connie who had left her husband running towards a door where had appeared a singer Jonhy.

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