
Testo da LalaLaytner - English

  • Help me with correction.

    • Ireland, like every country in the world has its own special characteristics, myths and legends.
    • Interesting facts about Ireland, I hope, will be of interest to you.
  • Some of them are very funny ...
    • For example, in this country there is a tradition that has been legalized in the early eleventh century.
    • February 29 Irish women have the right to make an offer to men.
    • Well, if he refused, then it shall be fined!
  • By the way, another interesting fact - cherry (wild cherry) and apple trees bloom in Ireland twice a year!
  • Sigmund Freud once said that the Irish - the only ones who can not be subjected to psychoanalysis All Irish people complain about the weather (ie raining, it is cold).
  • But quite resistant to cold - at 15 and a strong north wind, they go in T-shirts, shorts and flip-flops.
  • For comparison, all the tourists at least put on a sweater and a jacket.
    • In 1911, the shipyard Harland and Wolf in Belfast was launched on the steamer "Titanic", the largest passenger liner of its time