
Text from thewoland - English

    • A story about a trip

    • me: hello my friend ,a long time I've not seen you, how have you been? him: hey, I am glad to see you too again.
    • You know, a most of time I am well,little bit tired of traveling around the world.
    • What about you? me:as usual only school, hang out whit friends, you know,all those things what normal people do.Listen: My school finishes this summer, for two weeks about.I've been thinking about traveling like you. him: That's good idea. me:Great, I am glad you like it. do you have some advises for me. him: Not now, I must go to work.
    • I let you know tonight or tomorrow in a morning. me: Ok, great.
  • I will be waiting... him:A last summer I received a man(Ian) from France to my house.
  • I've met him on a street in my village on island Rab.
    • He stayed whit me about 3 days.
  • I gave him to eat, drink and smoke.
  • This guy(Ian)offered me a job by his parents in France at vineyard.
  • I accepted this job.
  • I took a bag full of things.
    • It was mistake., you need nothing much.
    • I was working there two weeks and earned about 800 $.
  • Over 1000$ in my pocket I left vineyard.
    • I went to Lyon, trying to find a job there about one month unsuccessfully.I spent half money.
  • I said to myself:ok, let's go further.(or:is time to move on)