
текст з - English

  • English learning

  • Hello everybody, I am Clément from France and I try to improve my english.
    • To do that I have try further options: -Read english books ("a year in the merde"): The problem is that in almost every page I have a word or a sentance that I don't understand, and at the end I discard, -Watch movie in english: the problem is if I have not english subtitles I miss words and finally I don't understand everything.
    • -make Excel files with new vocabulary: the problem is that after one moment I have hundreds words and it takes a lot of time to revise and if I don't listen or use this new words, I don't remeber.
    • That's why I joined Polyglot Club, for having an active learning, using my new vocabulary and why not help people learning french.
  • Thanks for your comments about this text.

Будь ласка, допоможіть відредагувати кожне речення! - English