
Text from Rsya_smple - English

  • Last Holiday

    • Hello, I'm just gonna tell my last experiences in Netherlands and France.
    • Both country are quite adorable. I really love.
  • I departed from Jakarta at 1.30 am and arrived in Amsterdam at 11.00 am according to Netherlands time.
  • I flew with Garuda Indonesia, FYI that Garuda Indonesia is awarded as World Best Cabin Staff by Skytrax and now It just got a big achievement as 5 star Airline. so return to my story, I saw a breathtaking view when my plane was landing in Amsterdam, and i felt pretty happy.
    • I saw a landscape that i'd never seen before. and when i was disembarking from the aircraft, i said "Mom Dad !, it's just happening, we are in netherlands now." and when i was saying that my foot stepped out from the aircraft. in my heart i said, "bro ! it's netherlands the country that was in your dream currently" i was feeling that my tears will came down.
  • After this happened, i took my baggage in baggage belt and i go out directly for breathing the real air in netherlands. and sadly i was freezing because it's 12 degree celcius. i thought for you all that's doesn't cold. but for me it's pretty cold because i came from tropical country. and i decided to enter the airport building.
  • I spent 5 hours for waiting train to Paris.
  • -to be continued-