
Tekstong galing sa JeremieGTSC - English

  • Charities in the U.S.

  • In the United States, where welfare and welfare state are almost non-existent, we find a lot of examples of charity business cases.
  • Over there we observe a long tradition of charity, because where the state is not here, it's up to the individuals to take over.
  • But the enterprises also take part in that caritative movement which weighs billions, and they know how to draw gain when it's necessary.
  • In the United States, that we selected as an example for that study, 36% of the total donations are going to religious organisms.
  • In second position we find education with 13%, followed by the health sector, with 8.6% of the donations.
  • If americans give so much, it's because this country owns a culture of the donation based on the "give back" rule.
  • When you succeed in your life, you try to return the favour to those who are less well-off.
  • In the United States, the Internal Revenue Code (IRC), that regulate taxations, makes a difference between two types of non-lucrative organisations : the public charities on one hand, and the private foundations on the other hand.

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