
Pesan dari Irishonok - English

    • about my English

  • Hello!
  • I’m a newbie here!
    • I’m so glad that I find this site with so many users from all over the world helping each other!
  • I learned French in a primary school, but after my family moved to another place, I began to learn English.
    • I think I’m a good English speaker, but I can’t write a dissertation :) Since my English classes finished I still study it but in more passive way, than in active by listening the music and seen movies or TV shows.
    • I can read books and articles in English, but I have troubles in speaking and writing because sometimes I use wrong form of verbs and wrong article.
    • Now I wish to study Roman languages as Italian and French.
  • Esperanto, Greek and Maltese are also in my to-study list.
    • But I’m afraid I’ll forget English at all, so I’m trying to improve my English as mush as I can.
    • I hope you’ll spend a little of your time to show me my mistakes in this text. Thank you!
    • Nice day, Irina