text de la - English

    • About me.

  • Hi.
  • My name is Sasha. I'm thirteen.
  • I live in Saint Petersburg.
  • I'm in 7th grade.
  • I want to learn English but I don't have that opportunity in school.
  • That is why I am here.
  • I hope you will help me.
  • I think my main mistakes are tenses and articles but of course you'll find more mistakes.
    • I can tell you about city in which I live.
    • I love this city very much and I think it is the most beautiful city in Russia.
    • My favourite place in Saint Petersburg is Spas-na-Krovi and I don't know how it write English.
    • I like this place because there always a lot of foreigners.
    • I also like Nevsky prospekt, ecpesially when it is dark.
  • I myself live in Park Pobedy.
    • It is metro station.
    • I like our metro.
  • The most beautiful station is Avtovo.
  • That's all I wanted to say.
    • I will wait your rectifications.

Vă rog, ajutaţi la corectarea fiecărei propoziţii! - English