
Text from marc-jodar - English

    • My cover letter

    • That's an email I'm going to send to all my contacts, and asking them to forward it to anyone they want.
    • But I want to make sure It's well written.
  • So here's the letter: Friends, fellows and comrades!
  • My name is Marc Jódar and I'm 24 years old.
    • I studied Sonology in ESMUC (High Musical School of Catalonia), graduated the year 2013.
    • It's a degree that integrates technology in music.
    • That's why I am a sound engineer, producer, musician, pianist, composer...
    • One year ago I moved to England chasing a dream that I still have not reached: work in a recording studio.
    • In all this time I've had several jobs.
    • I've worked as a warehouse operative and waiter in a hotel.
    • That's been very useful to improve my English skills and integrate into the British culture.
    • But I think it's time for the next step: move to London and start looking for a qualified job.
  • That's the reason I need your help.
  • I need to expand my contact list.
    • If you know someone related to the world of music in London (or England in general) I'd be very grateful if you can facilitate me the contact.
    • My dream would be to work on a recording studio, but I'd also love to work as sound engineer for live events, sound designer in a TV or radio, in an audiovisual production company, in a theatre...
    • Any contact, even if they are not working on England, could be useful to give me advice or even open some doors.
    • I'll also need accomodation in London.
    • That's not going to be so difficult, but if you know someoen living in London maybe he can help me.
    • Thank you very much for dedicating this time reading this email.
    • I encourage you to forward it to anyone you want, and you think can help me.
    • Mi email is: mjodar.sound@gmail.com Thanks so much and good luck!!