
Сообщение от KristinaR - English

  • Essay

    • Nowadays there are a lot of inventions that have had a huge impact on modern society and in the way we are living today.
  • People, who lived a century ago, couldn't even imagine our modern technologies.
  • One of the greatest inventions is a car.
    • Today cars flooded our streets and it is really hard to imagine our lives without automobiles.
    • In fast-moving world the using this type of transportation has a lot of advantages, like the possibility to get from point A to point B in the short time and it more convenient than using public transport.
  • Furthermore, it's easier to travel to other cities by cars.
  • But what about travelling to different countries?
    • Some places you just cannot rich by car.
    • That's why the humanity has invented an airplane.
  • First of all, air travel is the fastest method of transport around, and can cut hours or days off of a trip.
    • For example, transoceanic travel would be a factor of months without planes, and numerous other zones can't be reached without it.
    • Secondly, airplane provides transportation to a big amount of people.
    • Regular plane can carry about 300 passangers, what is makes this type of travalling more economical and comfortable.
  • (Thanks for help!)

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