KANKRO69からのテキスト - English

  • I'd like to live in Ireland

    • From a little time,I'm thinking to go to live that place because makes me dream,I like the rivers,lakes and the green that it make a paradise to practise my sport prefer that is fishing,then also to practise better my english that it's so so.I hope that a day this my dream will be able to realize it.

添削の手助けをお願いします! - English

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    • From a little time,I'm thinking to go to live that place because makes me dream,I like the rivers,lakes and the green that it make a paradise to practise my sport prefer that is fishing,then also to practise better my english that it's so so.I hope that a day this my dream will be able to realize it.
    • From a little time,I'm thinking to go to live that placeLately I've been thinking about going to live in Ireland becaouse it makes me dream,. In fact I like the rivers,lakes and the green that it make a paradise to practise my sport prefer that is fishing,then also to practise better my english that it's so so.Ilandscapes and the fact that its a paradise and it allows me to practise my prefered sport which is fishing. In addition it is a way to improve my english which isn't that good. I really hope that a someday this my dream will be able to realize itcome true.
    • 新しい添削を追加しましょう! - 文 1新しい添削を追加しましょう! - 文 1