
Text from Evgen_37 - English

  • Meeting over Tuscarora

    • I decided to write about book of Ivan Efremov whitch I'd read yesterday.
    • Some sailor tells us about he take part in some voyage.
  • I don't remember where did they went to.
    • At some moment their ship ran aground.
    • Capitan didn't understand how it possible, because according to the maps there was very big depth at that plase.
    • Soon they uderstood that the shep faced with the other wood ship which was half-sink.
    • A little later, it became clear that on a board of second ship was cork (seem, from India), that's way it didn't go down to a bottom of the ocean.
    • So narrator's ship inserted to second ship like knife.
    • There was a diver on the board of first ship.
  • Second ship was blowed up with help of that diver.
    • But before this operation the diver and narrator, who had helped the diver because he had some skill with dippings, visited captain's cabin and found some records there which was saved in hermetic boxes.
    • From this records they learned about the captain did some researches (it was eighteen cetury) which could be useful in our time too, but couldn't finished it because of sinking.
    • The ship sunk a long enough (because of cork) that captain could to make record about this sad event, and keep it in hermetic box.
    • Some time later the crew landed in some port, where narrator went out for see this town (seem, it was Green Point), and narrator went to some pub.
    • It was a little show there, young lady sang songs.
    • One of them was about the captain some ship.
    • Immediately narrator understood that this song was about story which he'd known already.
    • He found that girl and begun to ask he about it.
    • She said that she was distant cousin of that captain.
    • And when narrator told her his story, she didn't believe him.
  • Four hours later, his ship set sail.
    • Maybe for always.
    • When narrator returned to motherland, he tried to made interesting his familiar scientist in captain's idea.
    • First, the scientist was made interesting in this theme, but later it weakened.
    • So the narrator concluded that it's very difficalt make people interesting in new unusual ideas.