
نص من - English

  • Correct!

  • 1.
  • We have an occasional talk. 2.
  • Your voice sounds like man.
  • 3.He speaks English wrongly.
  • 4.They have good relationships between one another. 5.
  • I fall for English.6.
  • I need to prepare for exams. 7.
  • It's warm as if it is spring.
  • 8.Who is that man you just talked to? 9.
  • I will finish intermediate school in 2 months. 10.
  • I like English more than Spanish. 11.
  • Our school will present music and dancing performance. 12.
  • She performed very well. 13.
  • The young generation is not better and not worse. 14.
  • What are living standards in the USA? 15.
  • I finished out the first semester of my school . 16.
  • Do you admit that you are not right? 17.
  • I don't know what color your car is.

رجاءً ساعدهم في تصحيح كل جملة - English