
text de la - English

  • Handwriting

    • During the last years of technological progress communication with computer became very popular and at the same time handwriting seems to become less important.
    • Of course it is appreciable to prepare students for a futur full of technological achievements but I would definetly agree with the supporters of handwriting lessons, too.
    • Writing is a very valuable part of our civilization that is worth keeping and that is why we should make sure that the next generation recognizes this importance and the fun it makes to creat words with your own fingers and without any electricity.

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  • Title
  • propoziție 1
    • During the last years of technological progress communication with computer became very popular and at the same time handwriting seems to become less important.
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    • During the lasIn recent years of, technological progress has made communication with computer becames very popular andwhile at the same time handwriting seems to become less important.
    • During the last few years of technological progress,and communication with computers has becaome very popular, and at the same time handwriting seems to have become less important.
    • ADAUGĂ o corecție NOU! - propoziție 1ADAUGĂ o corecție NOU! - propoziție 1
  • propoziție 2
    • Of course it is appreciable to prepare students for a futur full of technological achievements but I would definetly agree with the supporters of handwriting lessons, too.
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    • Of course it is apprecicommendable to prepare students for a future full of technological achievdvancements but I would definetly have to agree with the supporters of handwriting lessons, to also.
    • ADAUGĂ o corecție NOU! - propoziție 2ADAUGĂ o corecție NOU! - propoziție 2
  • propoziție 3
    • Writing is a very valuable part of our civilization that is worth keeping and that is why we should make sure that the next generation recognizes this importance and the fun it makes to creat words with your own fingers and without any electricity.
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    • Writing is a very valuable part of our civilization that is worth keeping and ,that is why we should make sure that the next generation recognizes thise importance, and the fun it mtakes to create words with your own fingers and wi,throut any electricitygh handwriting.
    • ADAUGĂ o corecție NOU! - propoziție 3ADAUGĂ o corecție NOU! - propoziție 3