טקסט של - English

  • Toyota primary reached the sales of 10 million vehicles

  • Toyota,one of Japan's car manufacturers, sold 10.23 million cars in global market which made it to be ranked as the No1 in a 3 years row.
  • Volkswagen is ranked as No2 with sales of 10.14 million cars.
  • It's the first time for the car manufacturer which sells over 10 million cars to show up.
  • "the total number of sales of Toyotal Group including Hino, Dyhath is 10.23 million, up 3% in 2013.
  • Even though the amount of sales in Japan in 2014 increased 3%, compared with them in 2013, the amount of sales outside japan drove the growth of Toyota.
  • "Because the amount of gaps of sales between Toyota and Volkswagen are just about 90 thousands, which causes them to be more competitive ever for being No1 in car manufacturer markets.

בבקשה, עזור לתקן כל משפט! - English