tala1992からのテキスト - English

  • Tortoises Colosal

  • The topic of my article is the return of giant tortoises on the Galapagos Islands .
  • Reptiles are threatened with extinction.
  • Thanks to the researchers , these animals are now living on the islands.
  • The population was threatened by wild goats brought by the fishermen.
  • Goats eat the plants which feed on turtles .
  • Turtles are natural enemies of whales that prey on them .
  • The first order of business was to eradicate the goats.
  • conservationists brought in trained gunmen on helicopters to hunt and kill all of the goats.
  • National Park Service reintroduced captive-bred tortoises to the island and marked and recaptured them over the years.
  • The researchers found after analyzing the population has stabilized, and over time the wild animals that were not born in captivity.
  • Thanks to the people animals can live and reproduce in the wild.
  • The worrying thing is that it changes the flora .
  • Grow more trees and less cacti that are diet turtles , tree hinder movement of these animals.

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