
Tekstong galing sa Maspoch - English

  • Photo Description

    • Is a winter's photo.
  • The color that predominates is logically the white, combinate with differents shades of blues.
    • We can see in the fist plane, to the left corner, a tree with his branches covers of snow, Behind there is a fence.
  • In the right corner we can see a white path, dotted for the shade of the fence.
    • In the right corner at the bottom of picture, there is a mountain covered with white woodland.
    • Also it's covered with a little white mist for the left side.
  • The heaven is blue, degraded of more to less, of right to left, top off in almost in a white light, maybe the sun.
  • You can see the photo here:

Pakiusap, tumulong sa pagtatama sa mga pangungusap! - English