

surilo (으)로 부터 도착한메세지 - English

  • Spaces and exchanges

    • I'll talk about the notion spaces and exchanges.
  • At first a spaces is site who have boundaries like the city or country.
  • And the exchange is relationships between two or more people like friend or enemies.
  • How are the relation between the countries and people.
  • We will see the first good relatio and second the bad exchange.
  • Have concept permits a student exchange called the couch surffing.The target this is a family welcomes forein students for learn a new language and meet new people .
  • Is a target of learning.
  • There also have the "take the couch" , who permits tavellers have free place to crash.
  • Have person who created a site for this concept is couchsurffing.com by Casye Fenton.
  • Thanks to couch surffing you can meet new people and visit new place.
  • It's a way to fight against pejudice and so allow a travellers forgotten setereotypes and open to the world.
  • But also the exchanges can do this every days like random of kindness for exemple I heard in radio a woman been on motorway have a problem with car .She had a flat tyre.
  • Fortunally a lorry driver helped.
  • But the exchange can be dangerous in "Mumbaï Night" the message is travelling meeting new people can be dangerous because we mine meet someone who is not what he sees to be like Lim have false passport maybe that he escaped from prison. So be careful.
  • On the other hand maybe Lime wants a second chance with new life , new country and new identity to forget old bad life like criminal or drug addic.
  • Howerer can have the exchange is umbalanced like Holly in the "lovely chat" because she introduces her self to her flatmate.
  • She expects him to be friendly he isn't .
  • Well she is embarassed.
  • On another level in the couch surffing, it may have trouble with the host , can meet people who are different from you and so have conflit and violence.
  • Between the countries have good relation thanks student exchange or couchsurffing permits exchange of language and culture .
  • So bring the contry and break the border .
  • It is also a personal enrichment because meet a person who are different from you and meet nice people.
  • But be careful because we do not really know the person , he way have trouble.

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