
Tekst fra - English

  • the immigrants

    • The document 1 explains where do the immigrants in England: between 1930 and 1950 many areas that belonged to the British Empire gained independence.Parliament then decided to bring the former colonies into a union called the Commonwealt.Faced with the Second World War damage the government encouraged immigration.Thus, between 1940 and 1950, to rebuild the country at war, tens of thousands of immigrants have left their country.Basically they had to return to their country but they end up staying because they had started families.
    • Document 2 explains that in 2002 there were 4.5 million immigrants (7.6% of the total population) and 3.1 million (44% increase) in 1991.The graph shows the number of immigrants of every ethnicity.Ethnic minorities live in urban areas very wide.Half of the ethnic minorities (48 %) live in the region of London where they represent 29 % of the total of the residents.
    • There are debates around the fact that in London 300 languages(tongues) are spoken in the schools of the capital and a unique(only) coeducation(mixing) of culture wants that is established(constituted) a real asset(trump card).Inner london (the central zone of London) is the only zone where the black immigrants surpass in numbers the Asian immigrants by a ration of two blacks for an Asian.

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  • Title
  • Sætning 1
    • The document 1 explains where do the immigrants in England: between 1930 and 1950 many areas that belonged to the British Empire gained independence.Parliament then decided to bring the former colonies into a union called the Commonwealt.Faced with the Second World War damage the government encouraged immigration.Thus, between 1940 and 1950, to rebuild the country at war, tens of thousands of immigrants have left their country.Basically they had to return to their country but they end up staying because they had started families.
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    • The document 1 explains where do the immigrants in England: between 1930 and 1950 many areas that belonged to the British Empire gained independence.PThe parliament then decided to bring the former colonies into a union called the Commonwealt.Faced with the Second World War damage the government encouraged immigration.Thus, between 1940 and 1950, to rebuild the country at war, tens of thousands of immigrants have left their country. Basically they had to return to their country but they end up staying because they had started families.
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  • Sætning 2
    • Document 2 explains that in 2002 there were 4.5 million immigrants (7.6% of the total population) and 3.1 million (44% increase) in 1991.The graph shows the number of immigrants of every ethnicity.Ethnic minorities live in urban areas very wide.Half of the ethnic minorities (48 %) live in the region of London where they represent 29 % of the total of the residents.
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    • Document 2 explains that in 2002 there were 4.5 million immigrants (7.6% of the total population) and 3.1 million (44% increase) in 1991.The graph shows the number of immigrants of every ethnicity. Ethnic minorities live in very wide urban areas very wide.Half of the ethnic minorities (48 %) live in the region of London where they represent 29 % of the total of the residents.
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  • Sætning 3
    • There are debates around the fact that in London 300 languages(tongues) are spoken in the schools of the capital and a unique(only) coeducation(mixing) of culture wants that is established(constituted) a real asset(trump card).Inner london (the central zone of London) is the only zone where the black immigrants surpass in numbers the Asian immigrants by a ration of two blacks for an Asian.
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    • There are debates around the fact that in London 300 languages (tongues) are spoken in the schools of the capital and a unique (only) coeducation (mixing) of culture wants that is established (constituted) a real asset( trump card).Inner london (the central zone of London) is the only zone where the black immigrants surpass in numbers the Asian immigrants by a ration of two blacks for an Asian.
    • Tilføj en ny rettelse! - Sætning 3Tilføj en ny rettelse! - Sætning 3