טקסט של - English

  • novel-3

  • MARY and JIMY turned office with evidence and they directly went to laboratory to examine it without losing no time.
  • 'Any blood or tissue' asked MARY.
  • -yes, both are. but the cave is made by different equipment. replied JİMY with big curiosity on his face.Than MARY came closer and tried to look it attentively.
  • She suspired and asked.
  • -do you think this is different person's job.
  • She directly looked at JIMY's eyes as if waiting for a solution for that poor girl who they find near of river. her things are crashed by JIMY's voice.
  • - i don't know. we will work on it but you need to rest. you haven't slept for two days.
  • she blank her eyes for a while and answered with stifling and doleful voice.
  • -ok. see you tomorrow JIMY.
  • -To be continued =)

בבקשה, עזור לתקן כל משפט! - English