
Text from SvetkoOrlova - English

    • New year

  • Here I am, kicking back in front of the screen instead of meeting with my friends and celebreating the New Year that's gradually approaching.
  • It's time to sum up and make the annual New Year resolutions that the majority is unlikely to stick to.
  • As for me this year was rather contradictory.
    • On the one hand, I have got lots of new experiences, tried myself as an english teacher, made friends with several interesting people, unexpectedly fallen in love, enrolled in a social dance workshop and got passionate about the salsa.
  • However, along with all these things it was also about some bitter disappointments, sudden betrayals of people you love, and most importantly the lack of willpower and forgetting about your genuine goals.
  • That year I was always trying to fit in, not showing people the real me.
  • I've absolutelly skimped on my self-studying, morning physical exercises and healhy habits.
  • It was kind of "doing the wrong and useless things" year.
    • Still I hope to change evrything in this new year.
    • Everyone makes promises at the beginning of a year, a month, a week, although only a handful of them are able to put it in practise.
    • Anyway I want to give it another try and set some goals. Here they are: