Text von Olga2305 -
Reading in my life
- I used to read much.
- I studied at the University at Philological department.
- There were a lot of subjects studying literature such as Russian and Belorussian literature, literature of Ukraine, Poland Baltic literature and others foreign literatures.
- One my teacher of literature said that philologists were such people who all in all read nothing.
- I'm partly agree with this words.
- After graduation from University I prefer light reading.
- For example, women's magazines, newspapers and shot stories.
- But sometimes I read more serious literature.
- I mean classical literature.
- My favourite writes are A.Pushkin, F.
- Dostoevsky and A. Chechov.
- I like Pushkin for his amazing poetry.
- As for Dostoevsky I admire his works comprisining deep psychologism and philosophy.
- Dostoevsky is a master of psychological portrait.
- He penetrates deeply into a person's soul.
- Chehov is a versatile write.
- He wrote both philosophy plays and lirical novels and shot stories.
- As for me I like his shot stories a lot.
- Chehov's shot stories contain humor and ridicule human's vices.
- Chehov is a subtle psychologist and an expert of human nature.
- But there is one more name in Russian literature that is very close to me.
- That is name of M. Bulgakov.
- I like Bulgakov for his work "Master and Margarita".
- That is one of books that I really like.
- "Master and Margarita"is the complete book.
- In fact you have all in this book.
- There are philosophy, history, psyhology, fantastic, mistery. love and social life.
- The novel deals with the interplay of good and evil, innocence and guilt, courage and cowardice.
- I advice to you read this book if you have never read before.
- As for other literature I fond of detective stories.
- There are two names that I like.
- They are A.K.Doyle and A.
- Christie are synonyms of hight-class detective story.
- The works of these authors were translated into many languages and scores of films were made using them as the scripts.
- I think that reading is an important part of our life.
- It is pity that most of teenagers and young people read not much.
- They lose a source of wisdom and a good teacher.
- Olga2305
November 2012
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