
Ethar'den mesaj - English

    • The last celebration I attended to

    • The last celebration I attended to was my aunt wedding, on spet 1st, was very beautiful.
    • I was so excited to that day.
    • Everything was amazing, the people, the bride's dress, the reception.
    • I cought the brid's bouquet.
    • The wedding cake was delisiouse. I ate from it.
  • I liked her hairstyle.
    • Her make up was so simple.
    • She was a wonderful bride I have ever seen.
    • The groom was so uniqe.
    • I didn't like the serves there.
    • They was so bad.
  • They don't give you what you want quickly.
  • I want to go to another wedding like that.

Lütfen, Her cümleyi düzeltmek için yardım edin ! - English