
Tekst fra mavidirderya - English

  • Report

  • Flexible packaging film-reel reports The customer have hot filling process and aggressive recipe of their sauce.
  • Temperature of the cooking sauce what is filled into sachets is 81-88°C.
  • Right after, there is also a cooling process in a cooling tunnel which is refrigerating air injection to the tunnel; temperature of the air is 5-10°C.
  • Cooling time is 15-20 minutes (from 81-88°C to 40°C).
  • -When inspecting the machine it was noted the sealing temperature of the jaw was shown on the screen was about 260°C.
  • We informed the customer that was not suitable to work with our film.
  • Their maintenance team checked the real sealing temperature with the measurement device and what they found out the real temp. was about 160°C.
  • It was noted the vertical seal 160ºC and horizontal seal 180°C.
  • -They already put our reels to their two identic machines with the same settings that the competitor’s film run.
  • We started to produce sachets without product inside.
  • The machine cuts and seals the film the number of 4 lanes and they fall down an assembly line.
  • We observed the running of the film about 10 min. and we did not see any problem during that time.
  • We started to produce sachets filled with the product 120gr inside.
  • We observed the running of the film about 2 hours and we did not see any problem during that time.
  • They confirmed that the seal quality was good.
  • We took empty and filled samples from the trials.
  • We also took competitor samples in order to compare with our film regarding to physical properties.
  • -The customer makes quality test on the sachets by using Mecmesin ILC-S 5000N force and torque measurement systems and they want us to pass their quality standard.
  • They try to find a proper test conditions because of the test machine newly- bought but generally they are using following conditions for competitors ‘’100Kg pressure and 10 seconds wait between two columns.
  • They put 1 sachet in test area each time and they checked whether there is a leakage on the sealed area of the sachets or not.
  • For 50 Kg and 10 Seconds our film passed the test, for 100Kg and 10 Seconds our film did not passed the test every time.
  • Their quality team told us that the sachets was too hot(40°C) to make a proper test.
  • They were going to do a test in a room temp. after 3-4 hours.
  • They will inform us about test results.
  • We discussed one more topics during our visit, the customer told us that there were fluctuations on the reels and some winding problems as well.
  • This caused the incorrect cutting of the film after sealing.
  • They would not like to use the reels for next trials or orders like below pictures.
  • According to our test results, there was not big difference between our and competitor film as shown below table.
  • The running performance of trial was good; Mr. Franz was satisfied about film performance.
  • The customer took 2 pallets samples from the trial to make shelf life tests in their curing room(in 40°C).
  • Shelf Life Test takes from 12 to 24 weeks.
  • Depending on their test results, we will produce an industrial order.
  • Additionally, they will make four more trials for the different aggressive recipe of their sauce.