

Text from AMIHUMAN - English

  • Just a girl.

  • Hi everybody!
    • My name is Tanya and I study English) I have some problems with times, so, maybe, you can help me)) Just read my text) I live in Ukraine, but I hope in future I will live in Great Britain, becouse I want it))That's why I need to learn english) My favorite serial is Doctor Who. maybe you heard about this) Sorry for my silly text) I tried to write without bugs, so...I hope I did it)


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    • My name is Tanya and I study English) I have some problems with times, so, maybe, you can help me)) Just read my text) I live in Ukraine, but I hope in future I will live in Great Britain, becouse I want it))That's why I need to learn english) My favorite serial is Doctor Who. maybe you heard about this) Sorry for my silly text) I tried to write without bugs, so...I hope I did it)
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    • My name is Tanya and I study English)¶I have some problems with timenses, so, maybe, you can help me)) Just read my text)¶I live in Ukraine, but I hope, in future, I will live in Great Britain, becoause I want it. ))That's why I need to learn english)¶My favourite serial is Doctor Who. maybe you heard about this)¶Sorry for my silly text)¶I tried to write without bugs, so...I hope I did it)¶
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