
Tekst fra yourethenight - English

  • national curriculum

  • Various nations have various educational systems to fullfill their needs.
  • This factor entails the phenomenon of "national curriculum" as essential basis of any education.
  • The program of same courses - math, national language, basic natural and social sciences - is familiar for every dweller of developed or developing country.
  • Though, the statement of required circullum is just patchily relevant for contamporary world.
  • Without a doubt, the key knowledge of the world is required, but not by nation, but by life.
  • No one could delibirate or communicate properly without a knowing spelling, history, geography and so on.
  • But, considering the notion of national curriculum till college, barely a half of information can be used in further life.
  • Spending timegap of a young man who intends to be a writer for physics can be great waste of time and energy.
  • And this exemple is relevant almost for everyone.
  • It is unlikely that school program in its whole size was applied by anyone completely.
  • But time spended on learning could be used more effectively.
  • Take, for exemple, those who learns at a special schools.
  • Most of the time is spared on some particular subject, so young brains absorbs general information of the world within fortifying their specific skills.
  • It would be even more efficient if those who have a tendency to humanities studies concetrated more their attention on this subject and less on exact sciences.
  • It would entail the more fully understanding of humanity sciences.
  • Considering child's abilities and tendencies teacher enhance a chances of further motivation and, hence academic achievments.
  • For example, the most general reason of poor academic performances in Russian elementary schools is lack of pupil's desire to study at all.
  • This problem solves by administrative sanctions like warnings and parent-talks.
  • There is no need to say that this method is effective very seldom.
  • But the need of considering child's abilities means great expenses and changes.
  • Though the concequences of poor elementary education entails exetremely poor level of university students in Russia.
  • This catalyzes the lack of effective specialists in national companies, hence ineffectivness of companies themselves, and this influences detrimantally on national economic.
  • Ironicaly, in the end the idea of mandatory curriculum backfires at government.
  • On the other hand, like was said in second paragraph, some essential knowlege should be given to every child.
  • It implies that everybody should learn range of some required subjects, which are most likely to be applied in further life and education.
  • It can be national language, math, literature, history and geography, when music, philosophy, math, physics, chemistry and other specific subjects should be elective.
  • Maybe even first 5 subjects should be elective, except from language - as soon as it is essential for socialization and further studies.
  • Then the necessity of certain amount of hours (just like in university system) can be useful.
  • But the recommendation of required curriculum is no longer applicable nowadays.
  • It can be useful for forming some standartized society for industrial era.
  • But the system of national curriculum came to an end within the birth of civil society and freedom from mandatory ideologies.
  • People sholdn't be treated as particles of great machine.
  • And maybe time has come to consider human mind and its desired at the early stage of its developmets.