
Text od Aleksrus - English

  • News from Aleksrus - Ukrainian crisis

  • The main cause of this crisis was that some Western countries desired to drag Ukraine into EU on terms of distroying Ukraine's economy, the terms of agreement were really disadvantageous for Ukraine (Ukrainian economy was mostly driven by the industrial region of South-East which had close ties with Russian industry).
  • However, the legitimate president of the country, Victor Yanukovitch, was about to sign up the agreement, he only decided to postpone this.
  • Dispite this fact, American high-ranking politicians came to Ukraine to encourage not just any group of opposition, and not all of it, but only one group of opposition, the most radical, including fascist, which could provide a puppet government for the West (saying 'West' I mean first and foremost the USA; Canada and today's France, for example, are not subjects of international politics).
  • These radicals made an anti-constitutional coup-d'etat thus destroying the country. The West (i.e.
  • American mainstream media) has immediatly supported this revolution and this crash of the young and quite artificial Ukrainian State.
  • Russia was the only sovereign country which was trying to maintan the integrity of the Ukraine.
  • As for media, all mainstream Western media was covering the events around Ukraine in just the same cliché words, even in the same expressions which surprisingly coincided with those of the US government.
  • Doesn't matter whether media belong to the governement or to a rich oligarch, to a bucks-box (as it's the case in the West), it matters only whether media say the truth or it lies.
  • Russian media were saying generally the truth (it is very difficult to dupe Russians at this point because Ukraine is close to us and many Russians can just call their relatives in Ukraine and ask them about what's happening) and Western media were lying all the way (how many Americans could point the Ukraine on the map, not so many, I guess, and still more Americans ignore the history of the region.
  • This is why Americans can be easily duped about what’s happening there).
  • I say this as someone who can read and watch both russian and western media.
  • Most of Russians can read English at least with a dictionnary and most Westerners cannot read Russian and as result they cannot get to an alternative source of information.
  • Joining Crimea to Russia was a result of a democratic, and absolutely legal and lawful, referendum.
  • You just cannot scare millions of people, especially if you have not fired a single shot.
  • There were no Russian soldiers from Russia, there were only Russian sailors from Russian navy-base in Crimea and self-defence forces, they secured the referendum in order to prevent fascist attacks (Ukrainian fascists burned people alive in Odessa and some other Ukrainian cities, western media did not cover this).
  • If Russia had not accepted and defended Crimea, there would be now a slaughtering of people like it is now in Eastern Ukraine where the Ukrainian army is bombing and shelling protesters and others as well as civilian buildings and where tens of people die every single day.
  • To remind you, this slaughering began with the beginning of the Ukrainian crisis when people in the East of the country have demonstrated the courage to not recognize the new illegitimate Ukrainian government which emerged out of an anti-constitutional coup d’etat fomented and immediately recognized by US (we can see on numerous youtub videos McCain, Victoria Nuland and others high-ranking US officials encouriging one of the opposition groups, the most radical, and none of so-called ‘Putin’s cronies’ or other Russian oficcials).
  • The protestors’ demands to get more autonomy were responded with carpet bombings of Donetsk and Lugansk.
  • In western media these protesters were immediately labeled as ‘pro-Russian separatists’, though there was no yet talking about secession from Ukraine.
  • People died there and continue to die every single day.
  • More than one million refugies fled from South-Eastern Ukraine to Russia, NB! not to Polland, Latvia or Lithuania but to Russia, since the beginning of this genocide.
  • People from Ukraine seek for the shelter and find it in Russia as far as in Moscow region (I saw some of them).
  • Joining Crimea was a very big event in Russian recent history.
  • This is because of Crimea being spiritual center of Russian people (Russian king Vladimir the Saint was baptized there more than 1000 years ago, and it was the very beginning of the Orthodox, Authentic Christianity in our dear mother Russia).
  • This is also beacause Crimea was absolutely illegally and unjustly given to Ukraine back in early 90s when no one in Crimea was asked whether he wanted this or not.
  • Any attempt to put pressure on Russia instead of negotiating with it will inevitably fail.
  • Russia is not to succumb the pressure.
  • Russia is a sovereign self-dependent state.
  • Russian people is united and ready to resist all th


  • Titul
  • Sentence 1
    • The main cause of this crisis was that some Western countries desired to drag Ukraine into EU on terms of distroying Ukraine's economy, the terms of agreement were really disadvantageous for Ukraine (Ukrainian economy was mostly driven by the industrial region of South-East which had close ties with Russian industry).
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    • PŘIDAT NOVOU OPRAVU! - Sentence 1PŘIDAT NOVOU OPRAVU! - Sentence 1
  • Sentence 2
    • However, the legitimate president of the country, Victor Yanukovitch, was about to sign up the agreement, he only decided to postpone this.
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    • PŘIDAT NOVOU OPRAVU! - Sentence 2PŘIDAT NOVOU OPRAVU! - Sentence 2
  • Sentence 3
    • Dispite this fact, American high-ranking politicians came to Ukraine to encourage not just any group of opposition, and not all of it, but only one group of opposition, the most radical, including fascist, which could provide a puppet government for the West (saying 'West' I mean first and foremost the USA; Canada and today's France, for example, are not subjects of international politics).
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    • PŘIDAT NOVOU OPRAVU! - Sentence 3PŘIDAT NOVOU OPRAVU! - Sentence 3
  • Sentence 4
  • Sentence 5
    • American mainstream media) has immediatly supported this revolution and this crash of the young and quite artificial Ukrainian State.
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    • PŘIDAT NOVOU OPRAVU! - Sentence 5PŘIDAT NOVOU OPRAVU! - Sentence 5
  • Sentence 6
  • Sentence 7
    • As for media, all mainstream Western media was covering the events around Ukraine in just the same cliché words, even in the same expressions which surprisingly coincided with those of the US government.
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    • PŘIDAT NOVOU OPRAVU! - Sentence 7PŘIDAT NOVOU OPRAVU! - Sentence 7
  • Sentence 8
    • Doesn't matter whether media belong to the governement or to a rich oligarch, to a bucks-box (as it's the case in the West), it matters only whether media say the truth or it lies.
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    • PŘIDAT NOVOU OPRAVU! - Sentence 8PŘIDAT NOVOU OPRAVU! - Sentence 8
  • Sentence 9
    • Russian media were saying generally the truth (it is very difficult to dupe Russians at this point because Ukraine is close to us and many Russians can just call their relatives in Ukraine and ask them about what's happening) and Western media were lying all the way (how many Americans could point the Ukraine on the map, not so many, I guess, and still more Americans ignore the history of the region.
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    • PŘIDAT NOVOU OPRAVU! - Sentence 9PŘIDAT NOVOU OPRAVU! - Sentence 9
  • Sentence 10
  • Sentence 11
  • Sentence 12
    • Most of Russians can read English at least with a dictionnary and most Westerners cannot read Russian and as result they cannot get to an alternative source of information.
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    • PŘIDAT NOVOU OPRAVU! - Sentence 12PŘIDAT NOVOU OPRAVU! - Sentence 12
  • Sentence 13
  • Sentence 14
  • Sentence 15
  • Sentence 16
    • There were no Russian soldiers from Russia, there were only Russian sailors from Russian navy-base in Crimea and self-defence forces, they secured the referendum in order to prevent fascist attacks (Ukrainian fascists burned people alive in Odessa and some other Ukrainian cities, western media did not cover this).
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    • PŘIDAT NOVOU OPRAVU! - Sentence 16PŘIDAT NOVOU OPRAVU! - Sentence 16
  • Sentence 17
    • If Russia had not accepted and defended Crimea, there would be now a slaughtering of people like it is now in Eastern Ukraine where the Ukrainian army is bombing and shelling protesters and others as well as civilian buildings and where tens of people die every single day.
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    • PŘIDAT NOVOU OPRAVU! - Sentence 17PŘIDAT NOVOU OPRAVU! - Sentence 17
  • Sentence 18
    • To remind you, this slaughering began with the beginning of the Ukrainian crisis when people in the East of the country have demonstrated the courage to not recognize the new illegitimate Ukrainian government which emerged out of an anti-constitutional coup d’etat fomented and immediately recognized by US (we can see on numerous youtub videos McCain, Victoria Nuland and others high-ranking US officials encouriging one of the opposition groups, the most radical, and none of so-called ‘Putin’s cronies’ or other Russian oficcials).
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    • PŘIDAT NOVOU OPRAVU! - Sentence 18PŘIDAT NOVOU OPRAVU! - Sentence 18
  • Sentence 19
  • Sentence 20
    • In western media these protesters were immediately labeled as ‘pro-Russian separatists’, though there was no yet talking about secession from Ukraine.
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    • PŘIDAT NOVOU OPRAVU! - Sentence 20PŘIDAT NOVOU OPRAVU! - Sentence 20
  • Sentence 21
  • Sentence 22
    • More than one million refugies fled from South-Eastern Ukraine to Russia, NB! not to Polland, Latvia or Lithuania but to Russia, since the beginning of this genocide.
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    • PŘIDAT NOVOU OPRAVU! - Sentence 22PŘIDAT NOVOU OPRAVU! - Sentence 22
  • Sentence 23
  • Sentence 24
  • Sentence 25
    • This is because of Crimea being spiritual center of Russian people (Russian king Vladimir the Saint was baptized there more than 1000 years ago, and it was the very beginning of the Orthodox, Authentic Christianity in our dear mother Russia).
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    • PŘIDAT NOVOU OPRAVU! - Sentence 25PŘIDAT NOVOU OPRAVU! - Sentence 25
  • Sentence 26
    • This is also beacause Crimea was absolutely illegally and unjustly given to Ukraine back in early 90s when no one in Crimea was asked whether he wanted this or not.
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    • PŘIDAT NOVOU OPRAVU! - Sentence 26PŘIDAT NOVOU OPRAVU! - Sentence 26
  • Sentence 27
  • Sentence 28
  • Sentence 29
  • Sentence 30