
текст з - English

  • A good book

  • I'm reading Steve Jobs biography written by Walter Isaacson.
  • He was the co-founder, chairman, and CEO of Apple Inc., and Pixar.
  • He mostly created and revolutionized the world that we know today (computers, animated movies, music, cell phones, laptops, digital publishing).
  • I have read only half of the book, but so far it's very interesting.
  • Steve was eccentric man.
    • Book containes some funny stories.
  • For instance, for some time he did not bade because he believed that he does not have a bad odor because he eats vegetarian food and his skin turned orange in a period that he ate only carrots.
  • He was a hippie and an uncompromising business man at the same time.
  • Some people hated him, some loved him, but all of them respected him.
  • He had a very exciting life, but filed with a constant fight against inner and outer demons.

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