
Text from Aleksrus - English

  • Putin's yesterday's speech

  • I am an average Russian.
    • Now I should do the job the western mainstream media have not done by some murky reasons.
    • This job is about extracting the essence of what mister Putin has said yesterday in the afternoon of Moscow time on foreign affaires issue.
    • One should not omit somthing very important in Putin’s speech .
    • 1) He said that joining Crimea to Russia as a result of democratic, and absolutely legal and lawful, referendum was a very big event in Russian recent history.
    • This is because of Crimea being spiritual center of Russian people (Russian king Vladimir the Saint was baptized out there more than 1000 years ago, and it was the very beginning of the Orthodox, Authentic Christianity in our dear mother Russia).
    • This is also beacause Crimea was absolutely illegally and unjustly given to Ukraine back in early 90s when no one in Crimea was asked whether the people in Crimea wanted this or not.
  • 2) Putin said that if Russia had not accepted and defended Crimea, there would be now a slaughtering of people like it is now in Eastern Ukraine where the Ukrainian army is bombing and shelling protesters and others as well as civilian buildings and where tens of people die every single day.
  • To remind you, this slaughering began with the beginning of the Ukrainian crisis when people in the East of the country have demonstrated the courage to not recognize the new illegitimate Ukrainian government which emerged out of an anti-constitutional coup d’etat fomented and immediately recognized by US (we can see on numerous youtub videos McCain, Victoria Nuland and others high-ranking US officials encouriging one of the opposition groups, the most radical, and none of so-called ‘Putin’s cronies’ or other Russian oficcials).
  • The protestors’ demands to get more autonomy were responded with carpet bombings of Donetsk and Lugansk.
  • In western media these protesters were immediately labeled as ‘pro-Russian separatists, though there was no yet talking about secession from Ukraine.
  • People died there and continue to die every single day.
  • More than one million refugies fled from South-Eastern Ukraine to Russia, not to Polland, Latvia or Lithuania but to Russia, since the beginning of this genocide.
  • People from Ukraine seek for the shelter and find it in Russia as far as in Moscow region (I saw some of them).
  • 3) Sanctions put on Russia are illegal as they were not approved at the UN Security Council.
  • These sanctions would have been put on Russia anyway because the main reason of doing so was to contain economically and militarily growing Russia in order to avoid facing a strong competitor on the world stage (to read the Wolfowitz Doctrine).
  • Sanctions amed also Europe (Europe is losing a lot because of these sanctions, even more than Russia does).
  • Putin said that the containment approch was not something new.
  • It has been applied to Russia for decades if not for centuries.
  • The US would have destroyed and dismembered Russia in its difficult times in early 90s like Yugoslavia, had Russia not possessed nuclear weapons.
  • Sanstions hurt Russia as well as they hurt Europe and even America (boomerang effect).
  • Sanctions, says Putin, urge Russia to build an economy that would be much less dependent on foreign speculative capital and unstable foreign markets.
  • Russian economy should be as well less dependent on oil and gas export, i.e Russia should develop different kinds of modern industry.
  • 4) Any attempt to put pressure on Russia instead of negotiating with it will inevitably fail.
  • Russia is not to succumb the pressure.
  • Russia is a sovereign self-dependent state.
  • Russian people is united and ready to resist all this lie and maintain the truth and justice around the world.
  • The rest of the speech was consecrated to domestic affairs…


  • Título
  • Frase 1
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  • Frase 3
    • This job is about extracting the essence of what mister Putin has said yesterday in the afternoon of Moscow time on foreign affaires issue.
      0% GOOD (1 votes)
    • Thise job is abouto extracting the essence of what mister Putin has saidPutin said about the foreign affairs issue yesterday in the afternoon ofin Moscow time on foreign affaires issue.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 3ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 3
  • Frase 4
  • Frase 5
    • 1) He said that joining Crimea to Russia as a result of democratic, and absolutely legal and lawful, referendum was a very big event in Russian recent history.
      50% GOOD (2 votes)
    • 1) He said that joining Crimea to Russia was a result of democratic, and absolutely legal and lawful, referendum that was a very big event in Russian's recent history.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 5ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 5
  • Frase 6
    • This is because of Crimea being spiritual center of Russian people (Russian king Vladimir the Saint was baptized out there more than 1000 years ago, and it was the very beginning of the Orthodox, Authentic Christianity in our dear mother Russia).
      0% GOOD (2 votes)
    • This is because of Crimea beingis spiritual center of the Russian people (Russian k. King Vladimir the Saint was baptized out there more than 1000 years ago, and i. It was the very beginning of the Orthodox, Authentic Christianity in our dear mother Russia).
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 6ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 6
  • Frase 7
    • This is also beacause Crimea was absolutely illegally and unjustly given to Ukraine back in early 90s when no one in Crimea was asked whether the people in Crimea wanted this or not.
      0% GOOD (1 votes)
    • This is also beacause Crimea was absolutelyIn the 1990s, Crimea was illegally and unjustly given to Ukraine back in early 90s when n. No one in Crimea was asked whether the people in Crimeay wanted this or not.
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 7ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 7
  • Frase 8
    • 2) Putin said that if Russia had not accepted and defended Crimea, there would be now a slaughtering of people like it is now in Eastern Ukraine where the Ukrainian army is bombing and shelling protesters and others as well as civilian buildings and where tens of people die every single day.
      50% GOOD (2 votes)
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 8ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 8
  • Frase 9
    • To remind you, this slaughering began with the beginning of the Ukrainian crisis when people in the East of the country have demonstrated the courage to not recognize the new illegitimate Ukrainian government which emerged out of an anti-constitutional coup d’etat fomented and immediately recognized by US (we can see on numerous youtub videos McCain, Victoria Nuland and others high-ranking US officials encouriging one of the opposition groups, the most radical, and none of so-called ‘Putin’s cronies’ or other Russian oficcials).
      0% GOOD (1 votes)
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 9ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 9
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  • Frase 11
    • In western media these protesters were immediately labeled as ‘pro-Russian separatists, though there was no yet talking about secession from Ukraine.
      0% GOOD (1 votes)
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 11ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 11
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  • Frase 13
    • More than one million refugies fled from South-Eastern Ukraine to Russia, not to Polland, Latvia or Lithuania but to Russia, since the beginning of this genocide.
      0% GOOD (1 votes)
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 13ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 13
  • Frase 14
    • People from Ukraine seek for the shelter and find it in Russia as far as in Moscow region (I saw some of them).
      0% GOOD (1 votes)
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 14ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 14
  • Frase 15
  • Frase 16
    • These sanctions would have been put on Russia anyway because the main reason of doing so was to contain economically and militarily growing Russia in order to avoid facing a strong competitor on the world stage (to read the Wolfowitz Doctrine).
      0% GOOD (1 votes)
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  • Frase 20
    • The US would have destroyed and dismembered Russia in its difficult times in early 90s like Yugoslavia, had Russia not possessed nuclear weapons.
      0% GOOD (1 votes)
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 20ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 20
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  • Frase 22
    • Sanctions, says Putin, urge Russia to build an economy that would be much less dependent on foreign speculative capital and unstable foreign markets.
      Vote now!
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 22ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 22
  • Frase 23
    • Russian economy should be as well less dependent on oil and gas export, i.e Russia should develop different kinds of modern industry.
      Vote now!
    • ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 23ADD a NEW CORRECTION! - Frase 23
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