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  • Three best qualities that help me work within a group

  • There are more than 6 billion people in the world.
  • Each person has a distinctive personality.
    • Human Being has different thinking and characteristics inside each individual.
    • I have many good qualities, but which of them help me work well within a group?
  • I think it is confidence, enthusiasm and understanding.
  • So, confidence is a feeling that makes you think that you are capable of doing something with ease and calmness.
    • Confident person inspires confidence in others and draws out the trust and best efforts of the team to complete the task well.
  • The leader, who stays calm and confident, will help keep the team feeling the same.
    • I can not say that I'm very confident person, but every day I struggle with fears.
  • And with each public speech and output of my comfort zone, it becomes easier and easier.
  • The second quality is enthusiasm.
  • It can be defined as an insurmountable passion or an immense interest for something.
  • Enthusiasm is the most essential ingredient apart from hard work for attaining success in any initiative.
  • Passion or enthusiasm often is contagious, which makes it a great leadership quality.
  • People will respond more openly to a person of passion and dedication.
    • I could find enthusiasm inner my self unexpectedly when I'm getting involved in some areas that I am interested in.
  • The last one is understanding.
    • The ability to get everyone working and pulling together is essential part during work within a group.
    • If you can't relate your vision to your team, you won’t all be working towards the same goal.
  • When everyone is working together, things can get done more quickly and efficiently, so understanding is extremely important.

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