
Scriptum ab Natashe4ka - English

  • Teaching: Is it an art or a science?

  • Today I would like to reflect on the theme: Teaching: Is it an art or a science?
  • Many people think a teacher is a person who comes to job to communicate with children, to say something and everything.
  • But others do not agree.
  • To begin with the fact that it is not so easy to be the teacher in nowadays.
  • The teacher must prepare foe each lesson carefully.
  • Firstly, he writes a plan, prepares different exercises.
  • Secondly, the teacher uses pictures and medias in the classrooms.
  • Besides, the teacher should make every effort to interest children.
  • Moreover, you need to cultivate and develop every day.
  • Because the teacher shares experience and knowledge with pupils and students.
  • It is very difficult.
  • The teacher is obliged to find an approach to each student and give a variety of tasks, for weak and for strong students.
  • I consider, that there are lazy and stupid pupils in every classes.
  • But the teachers should be flexible in their work and tell the subject so that the children have left the lesson with knowledge.
  • Doubtless, teachers should show imagination and be able to tell an interesting story as an example of his experience.
  • It is well - known fact that it is not good just to conduct a lesson without emotion and give a dry material.
  • This is an art, when a teacher knows the subject and can to teach him unusual.
  • The teacher becomes a master, having worked for 8-10 years in teaching.
  • In my opinion, teachers are not born, they become.
  • It is a big job and not everyone will be able to become a teacher.
  • If a young teacher comes to the school and sees no support from Stadt and children, so the attitude towards teaching changed immediately.
  • No skill and art can not out of the question.
  • Nowadays, young teachers tend to leave schools.
  • There are a lot of young teachers in universities today.
  • Because people come to university consciously, there are no problems with discipline.
  • A teacher usually shares his or her life experience with students in the lessons, helps to explain something.
  • To sum it up, I want to say, that teaching is based on a science and then it all depends on the skills of the teacher.
  • Moreover, a teacher plays a significant role every day in the life of the young generation.