
Сообщение от 2lll1 - English

    • narrative essay

    • In summer 2007, in my town that i born in it.
    • The weather was sunny and warm.
    • Nothing in the sky except the sun and some birds love its life.
    • We went to visit my grandma in her simple house there were sheep running with flowers and trees surrounded the place.
    • We were sitting with grandma on the soft floor, having coffee and sharing talking.
    • While we talking, grandma became in case of silence.
    • We noticed her silence then we asked her "are you ok?" she smiled and said: yes I am ok, but I remembered something I never say it to you before.
    • We opened our eyes and be ready to the exciting story.
    • she is starting the story: I was 19 years old.
  • I was living with my cruel father.
    • He deprives me from every thing that I want or I love, and treats me as a maid not as his daughter.
  • He was tyrannous.
    • He was always sending me to the valleys alone, to graze the sheep.
    • After a long day, I come back home, I just found censure for what? for nothing.
    • someday, I went to the river with my sheep.
    • Standing near me a guy in old clothes, he seems poor and kind.
    • We were talking about our life until sunset, and became meeting and talking every day.
    • Some cold morning, I went to meet Hatem - name the guy -.
    • My father come out to take a look at me and the sheep.
    • He saw me did not focus on the sheep, He screamed and said "what are doing" He did not give me a second to answer.
    • He caught me from my neck and held me to the house. .
    • I was stilling in locked room without food that was what he punished me.
    • At cold night, I heard sound from the window.
    • I opened it, he was Hatem.
  • I was crying a lot.
    • We talked and he gove me some of hope to happy life. he gose to his home after he said " I will come back to see you again".
  • I was thinking and thinking and crying.
  • I decided to leave and go away from this unfair life.
    • I picked on my clothes, and opened the window slowly and walked to free world. while I was walking, I saw Hatem, he decided to leave with me.
    • I married to Hatem -your grandpa now- we built a beautiful house, and start a family.
    • Decision to leave was hard for me but that night I prayed and asked the God to show me the straight line.
    • Now, I am happy wife and lover mother.

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