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  • A Book Review of the Story of My Life

  • I have been reading the Story of My Life by Helen Keller recently.
  • I bought the book on the spur of the moment in this summer vacation at a small bookstore in the building of the headquarter of New Oriented Corportion.I was expecting to meet someone at that spot so I entered the bookstore by the way.
  • Then I came across this book.
  • I have already heard the name of Helen Keller when I was a little child for an excerpt of her works was picked in our textbook, of course in chinese translation.At that time,it left me an impression that Helen Keller should be poor in terms of her disability.
  • However, as I turned to read the orginal version of the Story of My Life after so many years, I reacquainted Helen Keller.
  • She appeared as a vivacious and vigorous person in her description.
  • She showed us her passion about life, her insistence about learning and her unique thinking of the world in lines of her narration.
  • I astonished by the fact that she was a person full of emotions and curiocities just like me.She had no differences from us, except her deafness and blindness.
  • Particularly, I appreciate her great effors on studying.
  • She have been through perplexing subjects and difficult exams like us.Her stories remind me of the days when I struggled in math just as her.
  • In her case, it must be more challenging but she overcomed.
  • It is hard for me to imagine how she made it.
  • But I was inspired by her spirits that there is no impossible thing in the world.And I was also impressed by her courage to face the fate, although she had moments when she felt frustrated and dismayed.
  • I always associated with my own retrospects through reading.
  • And these experiences seemed not distant for me, which enable me to feel the same way she felt.
  • She was an adorable person, I thought.After finished all the chapters, I found that she was happy and contented about her life barely without complaints.So I smiled relievedly while I closed the book.

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