
Rédigé par Hajar96 - English

    • homework :personal funny story

    • I have a very funny story but i don't how to project [or express] its humour .
    • These are some events : - last year my sister asked me to watch Chinese opera, and she told me that it's very different so I agreed.
  • I was so excited to watch the video.
    • - when the music started I confirmed what my sister said because I never had listened to such music .
  • The surprise was when the singer (a woman) started to sing ..
    • omg the song was funny and i couldn't stop laughing.
    • - i showed it to my friend/colleague and he told me that he was not able to finish the video; he thought that it was terrible.
    • - the day after, we had a history lesson and the teacher asked my friend to read some texts about Chinese economics, so he began to read ... suddenly he started to laugh and the teacher became angry.
    • Me and my colleagues wondered what it was that made him laugh.
  • The teacher ordered him to leave and not to attend the lesson.
    • - when I came back home I chatted with him and he told me that I was the reason of what happened.
  • He asked me to open the history book and to look at a specific picture ....
    • I was shocked when I saw a Chinese woman that looked like the singer ( for us, all the Chinese look similar).
    • I suddenly understood what happened in the history lesson.