
Tekstong galing sa NataNovosibirsk - English

  • Hello! I'm from Russia.

  • Hello!
  • My name is Natalia, but everybody calls me Natasha.
  • I live in Russia, Siberia.
    • I really glad to find foreigh friens to practise and emprove my English.
  • And also help them to learn Russian.
    • I really admire people who can speak Russian as foreigh language becouse it's not so easy to study!
    • I live in city Novosibirsk.
  • It's absolutely white now because of snow.
    • It's sunny weather now, and the temperature is minus 10 on Celsium. Really warm!
    • Because normally on winter we have -30.
  • Some foreign people think that there are bears walking along the streets in Novosibirsk, and that there is no modern bildings - of course it's not true.
    • Novosibirsk is big contemporary modern city with interesting history, architecture and metro.

Pakiusap, tumulong sa pagtatama sa mga pangungusap! - English