
Text from SophiaD - English

  • Emerson, conformity, individuality and solitude

  • Emerson's desire of nonconformity leads to individuality.
  • Indeed, he believes that when among fellows, one cannot really separates his own desires and their desires for him.
  • However, being independent when alone is good, being independent among others is great: “it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude.” However, solitude is necessary to attain such a state of mind, because acting like this require strength and clarity of mind.
  • Even when he was his fellows students, McCandless was not alike his peers: obsessed by books and peculiar, content with very little, it was more than a simple desire to get away from civilization, it had become a need.
  • He was by no mean antisocial, he simply needed a lot of time for himself but could get along with people he met.
  • He also insists that if we are truly honest with ourselves, we will have an unique experience, because we won't be behaving like lemmings, but we will create our own path: “Envy is ignorance, imitation is suicide.”.
  • We are not victims as so many authors say, but creators.
  • Chris did not want to follow a touristic trip, he wanted to create his own path and discover something new, something original.