
Сообщение от AngelaZZ - English

  • My Grandparents' House

  • My grandparents' house is in a small, quiet village.
  • It takes me only 15 minutes to get there.
  • I like to go to their house when I am free.
  • My grandparents' house is a sweet place for me.
  • Knowing I am coming home, my grandparents would wait me at the door in advance.
  • When I get home, they would ask about my health condition first.
  • They are slow of speech, but they can always make me feel warm.
  • Pass through a bamboo grove, a door made of bamboo would be seen.
  • That's my grandparents’ front door.
  • Open the door and get into the house, a high fence would appear on the right side.
  • The filed fenced is the house of chicken and ducks.
  • Different fruit trees stand around the fence, such as pear trees, grapefruit trees, and cherry trees.
  • When spring arrives, you would see fruit trees covered in blossom.
  • Pear flower is as white as snow; cherry flower is as red as the shy face of a little girl.
  • Those flowers are colorful and dazzling.
  • If gentle breeze blows through those trees, you can hear the whispers of leaves; and smell the fragrance of flowers.
  • Walking down a short path, you would see a small shed on the left side.
  • That is the house of our guard-the dog.
  • Day after day, he stays there and protects our family.
  • Yard is on the right side.
  • That is my favorite part of the house.
  • When I was a little girl, I often played games with my cousins there.
  • In summer days, if the “silver plate” hangs up in the sky, our family members would gather together, have dinner in the yard and watch blinking stars.
  • After dinner, we would sit and chat.
  • Sometimes we play cards together.
  • If anyone loses the game, then unfortunately, it would be his turn to wash dishes.
  • Grandparents' house is not any splendid house with beautiful decoration.
  • Instead, it is a simple house that carries most of my precious and beautiful memories.
  • It is the sweetest and most important place in my heart, because in there I have lots of fun, and I am taught what real happiness is-the company of family.

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