
Text från HappyHipo - English

  • 3

    • The question of a gap year is intensively discussed among the youngsters and high school students.
    • Some of them would like to spend one year before the university by working or travelling, while others intend to start the university straight after the school.
  • This essay will consider some pros and cons of a gap year in order to alleviate the solution of this controversial question.
    • It is undoubtedly that one “study-free” year before the university allows students to have a rest and just relax after 12 years of school.
  • Moreover, the youngsters who decide to work gain a priceless work experience.
  • Whereas, those who choose to travel obtain an opportunity to explore new countries with its culture and history.
    • On the other hand, it is hard both physically and emotionally to fit into studying condition after a year of complete rest.
  • The students who don`t study for a long period lose their studying abilities and skills.
    • In addition, if someone has a gap year, he or she loses one-year time and graduates the university a year later than his or her peer groups.
  • Not to mention that a year of work frequently changes the youngsters` mind and they refuse to continue their education afterward.
  • In conclusion, I would say that having a gap year after school has its benefits and drawbacks and it is up to everybody to decide whether you take a gap year or not.
    • Personally, I would prefer to spend a year by travelling between finishing the university and starting work.